Dietician Home Visit

What Is Diet And Nutrition

Nutrition is the science or practice of consuming food in relation to a body’s dietary needs, while diet essentially means habitually taken food and drink.

The word diet is also used to describe the act of restricting oneself to small amount of food or special kind of food either for some medical reason or to lose weight.

Good nutrition is essential for a person’s physical and mental well being, and to achieve good nutrition it is important to have a balanced diet.

But getting a balanced diet is more difficult than it seems, owing to lack of awareness of what is balanced diet and the preference for junk food over healthy diet.

However, this unhealthy diet takes a toll on our body and leads to many lifestyle related diseases like high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes and obesity to name a few.

To get a better understanding of healthy diet and good nutrition it is necessary to get a nutrition consultation and diet consultation to embark upon a healthy lifestyle.

One can avail the services of a nutritionist in a hospital or select one of the many online nutritionists.

Zupiter Health offers the services of well trained and established nutritionists and has in fact introduced a comprehensive health management plan ‘Zupiter Activ’ that is designed to better assist you in leading a healthy life.


All of us desire to lead an active, healthy and happy life without any health issue. And the key ingredient to such a life is a balanced diet and a bit of exercise.

To help you in leading a full life, Zupiter has designed a comprehensive health management plan called ‘ZUPITER ACTIV’ to make everyday living a healthy and joyful experience.

When it comes to health, most of us don’t even realize that we need to pay attention to our behavior patterns and eating habits, till we find ourselves trapped in a lifestyle related disease.

The Zupiter Activ program with its 3 core offerings is designed to precisely bridge that gap between “What you are doing currently and what should you be doing”.

It helps us in making subtle changes to our food and lifestyle which slowly but surely puts us in the right track to a healthy lifestyle without having to feel its burden.

Key Offerings

The three key offerings that form the backbone of our Activ program are as follows:

Personalised Health Assessment:

Personal health assessment provides individuals with a wealth of information required to manage their health effectively. This will help individuals to prevent health problems even before they occur. Additionally, our health experts help to accurately identify your health issue by taking into consideration your health history and current health status. Their job does not end there. Once your health issue is identified, they help you set goals and create an action plan to achieve the health goals.

Personalised Nutrition Coaching:

We consider our personalised nutrition coaching a game changer for you. We guide you to good health by creating a customised nutrition plan which includes amazing health tips and recipes, 24/7 chat support, continuous expert consultations and regular progress monitoring to help you move closer to your desired goal. We also realize how much calories bother you. That is why we create personalized diet plans keeping the calories you should be consuming each day; no more, no less

Constant monitoring and Support:

Good health management often implies setting the customer on the right track by giving the right advice at the beginning of the program. At Zupiter, we believe in outstanding health management. Outstanding health management practices ensure that your health advisor continuously monitors your progress and brings you back on the right track, whenever you seem to be going off track.