

What Is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy, also referred to as physical therapy, is an allied health profession that makes use of bio-mechanics or kinesiology, manual therapy, exercise therapy, and electrotherapy, to help patients restore, maintain and increase their physical mobility, strength, and function.

Physiotherapists are better able to help patients regain mobility, as they have a better understanding of how the body works and are trained in clinical skills to assess, diagnose and treat disabilities. Physiotherapists can help patients recover from injuries and disabilities ranging from back pain, neck pain, knee pain to ligament issues.

Physiotherapy also helps in the rehabilitation of patients suffering from Parkinson’s, Paralysis, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, and Cerebral Palsy. Furthermore, physiotherapists can heal both chronic and acute problems by treating patients at home.

Benefits Of Physiotherapy At Home

Physiotherapy has over the years proved its effectiveness in helping patients in restoring their health and enhance their physical strength, function, and mobility. To further enhance your experience with physiotherapy, our Physiotherapists personally visit you and perform physiotherapy at home. Some of the benefits of getting service from a physiotherapist at home include:

  1. Enables convenience
  2. Provides personalized care
  3. Brings about a faster healing process
  4. No mobility issues
  5. Better time management
  6. Cost-effective
  7. Family support and supervision

With our affordable and accountable home services, say goodbye to all your worries and hassles of physiotherapy treatment.

When Do You Need A Physiotherapist From Us?

Call it the bane of the modern lifestyle but knee pain, back pain, and neck strain have become a part and parcel of life. When a certain type of pain does not subdue over a period of time and you experience it after doing a particular movement, then it is better to see a physiotherapist or get the service of a physiotherapist at home. You can also take benefit from our home physiotherapy service for a convenient treatment.

Physiotherapy has a wide range of specialties and people can take physiotherapy for any of the following medical issues: Neurological issues, Neuromusculoskeletal, Cardiovascular and Respiratory.

How Can We Help?

Our physiotherapists heal patients in the comfort of their homes. They assess, diagnose, and develop a treatment plan which varies depending on the patient’s needs. A physiotherapy session is usually half an hour, depending on the criticality of the problem. Our experts help with basic and advanced movement exercises to improve the patient’s mobility.

Why Do Physiotherapy Exercises?

Physiotherapy exercises have been proven to be a beneficial way to help treat and prevent injuries and pain related to varied diseases.

Physiotherapists are trained medical professionals who utilize these exercises to strengthen muscles and enhance function. They assess an individual’s problems and then recommend the best set of physiotherapy exercises for rapid relief. These exercises range from single to high-level postures which help repair the body and restore full bodily function.

Just like in the case of medication, you only benefit if you take the medicines as prescribed by a doctor; similarly, you can expect any benefit from physiotherapy if you diligently follow up with the recommended exercises.

Physiotherapy also helps to restore a balanced emotional and mental state which is crucial for holistic treatment.

How To Prepare For A Physiotherapy Session At Home?

In-home Physiotherapy sessions are designed to help the patient recover faster whether it is a one-time injury or a chronic illness. Here are a few tips to ensure you make the most of your session at home

  1. Select a spacious and good spot in your house, which is well ventilated, well lit, and free from any clutter, as the physiotherapist might bring some small exercise equipment for your session.
  2. Wear comfortable clothing. Ensure you do not wear clothing that impedes your movement as your physiotherapist will need to evaluate your joint stability and movement
  3. Speak to your Physiotherapist about what exactly are your areas of pain and what level of function you would like to achieve through your sessions
  4. Provide your physiotherapist with information such as how the pain started; what is the nature of the pain and for how long you have been facing the problem.
  5. Be attentive to the exercises shown by your physiotherapist and ask questions if you are unsure about anything. And also be diligent with your exercises to see desired results.